TRA-SD is happy to help new fliers obtain high-power certifications.
The two national organizations, NAR and TRA, have
slightly different
procedures: NAR's are described at and TRA's at
If you are planning to Certify, please send an EMAIL
to the Mailing List to make sure somebody will be there who can certify you.
All certifications will be
perfomed on Saturday.
All certification exams will be given at 10:00 AM on
A NAR certification may be a little easier to
arrange because they can be
witnessed by NAR members with appropriate
certification levels, whereas
for TRA only the club prefect or a Technical
Advisor Panel (TAP) member
can certify a new flier. But both should be
possible with some
coordination at any monthly launch.
If you're interested in doing a Level 1 or Level 2
certification flight
and/or taking the Level 2 written test at a TRA-SD
or just need some advice about how to proceed,
please contact the Prefect or send your inquiry
to the mailing list.
If you are a NAR/TRIPOLI JR Member, please send your
inquiry for obtaining your Level 1 Certification to the
Mailing List